Top 5 Famous Facial Feminization Surgeries That Are Trending in 2024

Facial feminization surgery (FFS) involves a set of procedures to make the face appear more feminine and less masculine. FFS may sculpt the bone, cartilage, and soft tissues of the face to give it a feminine appearance. The forehead and brow ridge are reshaped to create a soft contour with feminine highlights. Transgender women can opt for FFS as part of their male-to-female transition. FFS surgeon Dr. Parag Telang specialises in Facial Feminization Surgery USA which changes or enhances the physical appearance. This procedure can include hairline lowering, jaw reduction, rhinoplasty (nose reshaping), eyelid surgery, a face or neck lift, and other facial changes. FFS may be chosen by the candidate who is: A transgender woman (transitioning from male to female) A cis-gender woman (whose gender identity matches the gender assigned at birth) who wants to feminise her face A diagnosis of gender dysphoria (psychological distress due to conflict with the gender assi...